The new Training feature supports four types of elements including SCORM, which stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model. Build a training course or upload a SCORM package and require raters/scores to view and/or pass the training course before scoring.
The first thing you'll need to do to get started is to update permissions to allow a team member(s) to create training courses.
- Go to Roles (main menu), select role(s) you want to give permission to set up training courses
- Scroll through the permissions and click the checkbox next to Training Setup (displayed above User Setup)
- Go to Training Setup (main menu) and click
- Enter a course name and click the +Add Element button to add training course content
- Enter the element name and select the type of element from the drop-down list. Please note that the course name and element name are displayed to the user completing the training course.
- Click Select File to choose the file for the element type (e.g., SCORM package) and click Save
- More information about the other element types:
- Resource - Upload information (e.g., employee policy, project/prompt/rubric specific reference material) that a scorer should read or review before qualifying to score operational responses. Resource content include various supported file types (e.g. *.MP4, *.PDF, *.JPG). The option to provide a Resource for a specific item is still available in Item Setup
- Qualification - Create and upload of a set of responses with a "passing" requirement that must be met before scorers can begin scoring operational responses. The option to provide a Qualification Set is also still available in QC Setup.
- Practice Set - Create and upload a practice set that allows scorers to apply scores to responses and receive a report/feedback based on the scores they applied vs. the predetermined true score. The option to provide a Practice Set is also still available in QC Setup.
- A training course can include multiple elements to be completed in a specific sequence.
- More information about the other element types:
- Go to Section Setup (main menu), choose a Section and click Edit
- Click to toggle on the Require Training feature and select a training course name from the drop-down list
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