With the Video Recorder Question, students can record a video response to a question.
Note that this Question is not enabled by default - you will need to contact ADAM Support to enable this Question type.
Figure 1: an example of the Video Recorder Question
After you have entered your stimulus in the Compose question field, there are some minor configuration settings to go over.
- Maximum length (seconds): refers to the maximum length the video can be - when the student reaches this limit, the video will stop recording automatically. This value is set to 600 seconds by default
- Overwrite warning: enabled by default, this will warn the student when they are about to overwrite their previous video recording wth a new one.
- Max score: the maximum score that can be awarded for the Question, as this Question is not auto-graded.
- Minimum score if attempted: attempt marks awarded to the student, regardless of a correct/incorrect response.
- Font size: change the font size - this applies to both the stimulus, but also the text on the video recorder.
- Details: see our Understanding Metadata
page for a thorough explanation of these fields.
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