Assessment Dashboard
The Assessment Dashboard page is found within Manage My Classes, Class, Assessment
Assessment Description
The image, name and Description are defined during the creation of the assessment. Notice the two icons in this section
- - This gives you a quick link to start scoring this assessment as a second scorer for other instructors using the same assessment. If there is no work to will stay on the same page.
- - Take a look at the resources available for this assessment. Choose from the DDL to see one of multiple resources.
Dashboard Students with Work
View the distribution of unscored, scored once, resolution and complete for those students with uploaded work. Click on the donut chart's legend options to filter the report. Notice the two icons in this section
- - Use this to set a date/time frame in which the students are allowed to submit their work.
- - see a report for scores, statistics and progress for all assessments in this class.
Dashboard First Score vs. Second Score
Comparing the first score against the second score by four different metric
- Agreement (by trait exact) - The percentage in which your score by trait was the exactly the same as the second scorer score by trait. (Ex. - You scored two students and the rubric used had 5 traits, so a total of 10 trait scores, another scorer also provided a second score for the same two students, you agreed with the second scorer on 9 out of 10 of the trait scores resulting in an exact agreement of 90%.)
- Agreement (by trait exact/adj) - The percentage in which your score for the trait was within 1 score point of the second scorers score for the trait.
- Agreement (full exact) - The percentage in which your score for the all traits on a response was the exactly the same as the second scorer score for the response. (Ex. - You scored two students, another scorer also provided a second score for the same two students, you agreed with the second scorer on 9 out of 10 of the trait scores, 1 of 2 responses agreed exact resulting in an exact agreement of 50% by response)
- Agreement (full exact/adj) - The percentage in which your score for each trait was within 1 score point of the second score for all traits on a response (Ex. - You scored two students, another scorer also provided a second score for the same two students, you agreed with the second scorer on 9 out of 10 of the trait scores the one trait score that was different was within 1 score point, resulting in an exact/adjacent agreement of 100%)
Dashboard First Score vs. Resolution Score
Agreement Stats
This section contains your full student list (left side) and a option to look at assessments by student for your class. The right side displays statistics for the pre and post tests of this assessment.
Getting Work linked to the student
Before work can be scored, the work needs to be uploaded and linked to the student. These are two different ways to get the work loaded.
- - Manually upload work from file or google drive. This is covered in OSCAR Classroom: Preparing to Score
- - Send an email to your students requesting that they complete their work and upload it. This is covered in OSCAR Classroom: Preparing to Score
Scoring and Results for the assessment
- - This is where you go to initiate scoring students in your class (first score)
- - Scores and Statistics about the students in a specific instance of the assessment (pre or post)
Work, Scoring and Results for a student
Each row in the Agreement Stats section provides details on this assessment for the specific student. Hover over each of these icons to see a mini report related to the icon, click opens the student response, associated scoring for all scores (first, second, resolution) and comments.
- - Work Uploaded shows the name of each piece of work uploaded for this student
- - Hover to show a summary of the first score results
- - Hover to show a summary of the second score results
- - Hover to show a summary of the resolution score results
- - The icon indicates how many comments are made on this response. Click to open the student response, associated scoring and comments
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