A live item you are scoring may have Validity turned on by a scoring administrator. When Validity is active, Validity responses will be presented during Scoring at a variable rate (set by a scoring administrator) and will appear like any other live response. Unlike live responses, Validity responses are scored against a true score that is set by a scoring administrator. After scoring a Validity response, there may be an opportunity to review the true scores of the response.
If a certain number of validity papers (determined by scoring admin) are scored incorrectly, your account could be temporarily locked out of scoring or you could be presented with a Calibration set. If you are locked out from scoring, you will need to contact your scoring administrator to determine the steps needed to activate your account again.
Validity results can be viewed from the Personal Dashboard. If this option is active for your account, you will be able see your validity performance against each set of Validity responses as well as view the individual responses with their scores and any response feedback from scoring admins.
To learn about the specific Validity rules on an item you are scoring, talk to a supervisor on your project.
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